Apcriot Lamb Dinosaur Rattle

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Ib tug ntsuab rattle nrog cov duab ntawm ib tug dinosaur.Mos thiab xis kov, thaum tus me nyuam tuav, nws zoo li tuav niam txhais tes.Thaum tus me nyuam co lub cev ntawm dinosaur, nws yuav ua suab nrov, uas tuaj yeem ua rau tus menyuam quaj thiab ua rau tus menyuam tsis ntshai thiab ntshai.Cia tus me nyuam lub ntsej muag luag ntxhi zoo li lub tswb nyiaj rippling nyob rau hauv cov menyuam yaus thaum yau nrog lub suab ding-dong ntawm lub suab nrov!

  • Khoom npe:ra-dinosaur
  • Yam khoom No:Xyoo 20016
  • Loj:12 cm
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    Paub meej

    Dinosaur Rattle (1)

    ● Lub Dinosaur Rattle soft rattle toy ntsuas 6 Inches, mos plush rattle tsim nrog ib tug zoo meej loj yog muaj rau cov me nyuam mos los tuav siv lawv ob txhais tes me ntsis.

    ● Txhua yam khoom ua si peb tsim ua tau raws li cov qauv zoo tshaj plaws thiab txhawb nqa lub siab.100% polyester, ilv khoom, ua los ntawm cov khoom muag muag thiab fluffy premium.High quality plush fabrics yog mos heev.Cov khoom siv yuav tsis ua rau cov tawv nqaij puas.

    ● TAG NRHO 0 THIAB UP - Cov khoom ua si tsiaj rattle yuav yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo.Ntxim hlub tsos, mos thiab xis nyob thiab versatility.

    ● Peb cov khoom yog EU, CE certified thiab dhau American ASTMF 963, EN71 ib feem 1,2&3 thiab AS/NZS ISO 8124 kom ntseeg tau cov khoom muaj kev ruaj ntseg thiab zoo.

    Daim ntawv thov

    【Colorful Cute Rattles with Sounds】 Co los yog nyem rau lub suab, coj menyuam lom zem heev!Yooj yim heev thiab yooj yim rau koj tus me nyuam los tuav.Cov rattles nrov txaus kom hnov ​​​​thiab txhawb nqa me nyuam.Me nyuam nyiam lub suab nrov!

    【Suitable For Travel and Decoration】 Cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb yog yooj yim los ntawm ob txhais tes me me. Lub teeb-yuag thiab me me, ib qho khoom ua si sab nraum zoov zoo nkauj thaum mus ncig lossis taug kev, zoo ua si ua lub rooj zaum hauv tsheb. , stroller khoom ua si thiab txaj accessories khoom ua si.

    【Cov Khoom Plig Zoo Tshaj Plaws】 Ntau tus neeg yuav nyiam Dinosaur Rattle rattle khoom ua si, uas tuaj yeem siv rau kev ua si, thiab ua cov tsiaj ntxim hlub rau saib thiab lwm yam.

    【Baby Learning Toys】 Cov me nyuam mos mos plush me nyuam mos rattle nrog cov tsiaj tsim thiab muaj xim zoo nkauj los txhawb koj tus menyuam lub zeem muag thiab ua kom pom tseeb, txhawb tus menyuam kom kov thiab tshawb.Qhov loj tshaj plaws ntawm lub voj voog tsim kuj yog ib qho yooj yim uas yuav tsum tau rub los ntawm me me txhais tes, txhim kho lub cev muaj zog.

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